What is Ginseng Tea

What is Ginseng Tea

Tea has proved popular in almost every part of the world from China to England. Many people consume it daily for both its pleasant taste and the mild 'pick me up' quality. This mild boost is a combination of L-Theanine and caffeine, which helps us feel awake and alert while calm and collected. Tea also has health benefits, including anti-aging antioxidants, it can lower cholesterol, and reducing the risk or stroke and heart attack.

Ginseng tea is one of the many variants of traditional tea, or perhaps we should say an alternative type of tea. It is made from ginseng root rather than tea leaves, but it is prepared in much the same way, just by adding boiling water to the dried product.

Ginseng is healthy in many ways:
- Weight loss - It can suppress the appetite and also help by keeping us a little more active.
- Reduces blood pressure.
- Restores hormonal balance in women.
- Improves cognitive function. We find it easier to concentrate with Ginseng, and have better memory over time.
- Reduces stress, partly because we think more clearly when solving problems, partly be calming us down.
- Promotes heart health. Over time it reduces the risk of heart problems.
- Improves skin appearance, largely due to the antioxidants.
- Boosts our immune system. Perhaps the best know attribute of ginseng. Our body is healthier and fights infections that extra bit better with ginseng.
- Regulated blood sugar. It decreases insulin resistance, so our body suffers less from changes in blood sugar fluctuations.

Korean Red Ginseng Tea online

Add ginseng tea to your daily routine. Perhaps use it instead of coffee. Perhaps include it along with green tea in order to be that extra bit healthier.